September 1, 2006

Mummy is tired..........

This is how Im feeling right now - well she is obviously drunk since she is hanging on tightly to that champagne bottle and I dont drink (not on the job anyway)

I dont know Im just very overtired and a little stressed. Andrew was away for work last week and both boys were sick so maybe its all catching up with me right now. Im so looking forward to getting away next week.....

Honestley, sometimes I wonder how do mothers with more than two children do it? I would really love another baby although Andrew isnt too keen. Somedays I just dont think I can handle the exhaustion but other days I see a little baby and go extremey goo-gaa and one of the questions I get asked all the time is, 'Are you going for a third'?

How does one know when your family is complete? I just dont want to end up regreting not having any more babies?

Its hard work being a mum but also one of the most rewarding jobs but we all need a break every now and then....


  1. I hope you get your energy back soon. I have two children and wish I had at least one more but that was God's plan for my family.

  2. i hope you manage to get the well deserved break soon.

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Oh, i know what you mean about not knowing when to girls take so much energy but a big family is so nice!!!

  4. I think there is a little thing inside your that says "that's enough". I know for me that little voice came after my 2nd child started walking. I knew I was done. Maybe you aren't quite ready to be done if you haven't heard that little voice.

  5. I totally agree with you about motherhood being rewarding and also needing a break. People ask me all the time about when I'm going for the second {and this time they think I "should" have a boy {?}, and I don't even know yet, I feel it is too soon.
    I hope you had a well deserved break.

  6. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Ace, I could sit and ponder this topic with you for a long while.... lol

    I think this upcoming holiday is just what you need - and I hope you enjoy enjoying your boys, family & friends in a relaxed environment. maybe it will give you another clue as to whether you want another child also.

    I feel the same about not having another and then regretting it later. They are this small for such a short time in the grand scheme of life. But my baby J is only 6 months old and for me it's too soon yet to think about a 3rd (and 2 IS such hard work!!).

    And then there's everyone expecting that we'll go again to try for a girl. As much I would absolutely love a little girl next, I don't want to have a child unless we're 150% sure we really want another child (not just trying for a specific gender).

    I don't know either right now. But I know you could handle one more if that's what you want :) And hey, it'll be one more kid to stalk for company when they're all grown... LOL

    Have a Fabulouso holiday!!!



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