February 10, 2008

This is...Sunday Lunch

Leftovers from last night...i read somewhere that meals should never be planned in the kitchen, only at the Market which makes total sense... but I usually plan my meals with what I feel like eating (thank god my family is not fussy!!) , how much time I have and even the weather can make a difference.

Pasta with meatball sauce went down so well last night as it was raining and wet outside...

Sunday lunch is never a big deal in our household as its the only day of the week that we can get out and do 'stuff' together as a family...today is very sunny in Sydney so after 5 days of constant rain we were out all morning.

Sometimes we eat out or head down to the fish markets for lunch, some days my parents invite us for a Sunday BBQ lunch and they always end up cooking enough food for 50 people... most times its a quick bite as its Sunday dinner that is always a planned sit down meal...we settle in for the evening, have an early dinner and get ready for another busy week.

Last week I made this and it was such a hit I'm cooking the same thing tonight with some fresh Snapper I bought from the fish shop yesterday....Yum!

For more 'This is...' posts check out Angela's blog!


  1. Your pasta looks yummy!I too don't make a lot of fuz on sundays.good for you!your dinner looks very tasty too!!!thanks for sharing!xoxo

  2. Yum! I love to know what others do regarding food and feeding their family. It's such a struggle for me sometimes, it's nice to know I'm not weird! (I'm a kitchen girl not a market girl too! What if it's hot? Or I just don't feel like the planned meal?)

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Mmm...your cooking looks amazing and delicious!

  4. Yum, spaghetti and meatballs is just the best comfort food (and it always tastes so much better the next day).

  5. Oooh that looks yummy! I totally agree about the weather influencing our meal decisions, although we do tend to choose a few meals for the week while shopping at the market....however what we cook an any particular day does depend on who is cooking, and what my husband and I can agree on (unfortunately my family is VERY fussy, especially my husband! Luckily he does at least half of all the cooking :))

  6. Anonymous2:26 PM

    We tend to have lazy lunches on Sunday too. And leftovers are the best kind of lazy. yum yum.

  7. Nothing like good leftovers for breakfast lunch or dinner!!!

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Looks good, the rigatoni pasta is perfect with meatballs.

    Love it. now I am thinking of spaghetti and meat balls for dinner. thanks for sharing

  9. i do love italian food when it's dreary outside... so comforting!
    and i end up planning my meals based on totally random things as well :) xox


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