May 11, 2009

EyeSpy: What im reading now....

no juicy novels at the moment just loads of magazines (as always) and im reading up
on New York City for our upcoming trip (4months to go! yipeeee)
I bought 'Time Out 2009 -New York City' guide book and ive got my sister's ' Fodors Guide book' on the city too.
Im also checking out travel forums and online sites for more info on the city!!
This lovely blogger even did a post just for me!


  1. I have a friend who just got back from New York --- she visited etsy! I didn't even imagine it was a place you could actually visit! She met Danielle, who does the etsy finds blog...

  2. oh thats so cool Molly - never thought of that...they're in Brooklyn arent they? i might even check to see if they are doing any classes or events whilst Im there?!

  3. Oh so exciting! I can imagine you will have to research as there are going to be so many good things to do.

  4. A lot to look forward to! How wonderful to have your very own personalised entry:)

  5. Don't you just love reading magazines! So many kinds! Ohh your New York trip. That will be so exciting!

  6. Oh wow! New York is an amazing place to visit. Are you taking your boys? Enjoy!

  7. Hi! Just stumbled upon your lovely blog. Been reading many of your posts for the last 2 hours (!) now ;-) I would love to link your blog to mine if you don't mind.

    Greetings from a very windy Holland!

  8. How exciting getting ready for your trip! I love the lead up to travel to a new place.

  9. i'm so envious!!!
    i love new york!
    if you want to email me and tell me where you are staying, maybe it is near some great food places i ate at? xo

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i wrote another comment but blogger ate it up...
    it was that you can't miss tinsel trading, and wlak around the corner to mj trim. worth it even if you don't buy (but you will)

  12. lol so it was there. i deleted it, too confusing, hahaha!


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