November 7, 2010

Colour inspiration: Purple Orange and Green
What a morning!
I was ready for work (on time too for a change) and my car has a dummy spit - completely zonked out...I spent the morning waiting for my dad, pushing it out of the driveway and sparking it to life so we can get to the mechanic ...on top of that I didnt score any Oprah Tickets so not happy!

At least im home now and I get to play with glue & paper - being creative, thats always a good thing!
Inspired by this 'soft focus' page in an old Vogue, I loved the colours and so created a card to match....what do you think?


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Such happy colours!

  2. Those colours look beautiful together. I love that you get inspired by so many things.

    I hope your car is fixed!

  3. Lovely work, darling! I love your blog. Your invited to drop by the Ooh La Frou Frou blog for a visit when you get the chance. I have a card line that stars 8 glam girlfriends ... each Monday one of the girls "creates" a post ;)


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