May 10, 2011

Time for Tea
Ive really been looking forward to my nightly cup of tea. Its freezing outside and I spent 2 hours at our local oval for the boys soccer training. little toes were frozen!

I love my tea, i really do... so my post today is a little tribute to tea!
Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors. ~Alice Walker

so straight after my tea, Im off to bed, putting my alarm clock for a 6am wake up call ( i can do it!! yes I can!!)
...ive got a new fitness DVD that I plan to start first thing tommorow morning - no excuses!

ive been way too relaxed and my eating habits are far from perfect (did I really need that second helping of cheesecake on Sunday when I had a whole bowl of burnt toffee pudding the night before...SO bad!!)
- something has to change, and it needs to start from now.
I shall let you know how I go!
wish me luck!!!

Tea Time lovelies
Top image 'Teacups' by Katierosephotos
Middle - Vintage peacock print dress by Cintidoesvintage
Bottom Tea Time on Sunday Afternoon by Lucileskitchen


  1. I love tea, too! :) Very nice post. If you're interested in something more life changing than a fad diet, check out the book "Look Great, Feel Great" by Joyce Meyer. I highly recommend it! :)


  2. i am a tea girl as well :) Though i have to admit my morning coffee is what carries me through my day!

  3. I third this sentiment. Some earl grey tea with honey makes my morning. I joke sometimes that I wish I could go back to sleep during the day to wake up and get a tea again.

    Also! Something fairly interesting about diet is a documentary called "Food Matters" - terribly interesting. I started looking at exactly what was I was eating with a nutrition calculator and it was incredible how un-healthy a presumably healthy diet was!

    Good Luck!

  4. I'm a recent devotee of tea & it is the perfect way to warm up on chilly days.

  5. I adore that last print! I am a total tea addict

  6. Hi Anastasia,
    I'm a big fan of tea time, too, and the ritual with a beautiful and perfect cup is a must, right!

    I love your drawings (found them on etsy!)- thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments on the BYW group. Hope to stay connected!

    xo desha


Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment!! i really appreciate it!

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