June 10, 2012

Snack Attack
So im a week into the 'Clean' detox and I must admit it hasn't been as bad or as hard as i thought it would be.  The aim for my detox is to try and improve my digestion, to eat well, poop more frequently, improve energy slumps and mental clarity.
If I lose some weight too then hey, Im happy!
The book doesn't mention snacks but I've been having a handful of my toasted Trail mix mid-morning and a piece of fruit in the afternoon otherwise Im famished!...but that's the problem,  these days we don't really know what 'being hungry' really feels like!
Eating well sure takes time and lots of focused energy  - I'm spending so many hours preparing meals and on the days I work I'm up the night before getting my lunch ready - but its worth it though, as its for me, my family, my body, my self...

Trail Mix
Toast in a slow oven
1 cup raw almonds ( I chop mine up with a knife)
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup pepitas
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
once they are nice and toasty I remove from oven and add
1/4 cup dried cranberries and
1/4 cup goji berries
I keep mine in a sealed glass jar - yummy, satisfying snack!

and my favourite Green Smoothie (beats  that coffee morning - did I really say that??)
bunch of baby spinach or kale , 1/2 cup coconut water , 1/2 cup pineapple pieces
1/2 avacado , 1 & 1/2 cups almond milk
handful of ice cubes - blitz up and enjoy.....


  1. the trail mix sounds yummy & the colours are beautiful

  2. I have to try the recipe, it looks very healthy!
    Thank You for sharing :)
    Eeli (BYW 2.0 fellow)

  3. I agree-sound delicious!! Have a great week! :-)

  4. Hi Anastasia,
    Well done with the detox. Have you seen this dvd
    http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/ it was on the cover of last months Women's Weekly it's all about a guy juicing for three months to lose weight and get healthy. I found it a good watch and very touching.

    Love your blog design.


  5. You are braver than me!! I guess in some ways I "detox" but mostly going on one of those regimes scare me! I'm not stickler for rules... especially when it comes to food! :) good luck, stay strong and let us know how you feel! and ps, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! nice to know someone is reading! :)

  6. You are braver than me!! I guess in some ways I "detox" but mostly going on one of those regimes scare me! I'm not stickler for rules... especially when it comes to food! :) good luck, stay strong and let us know how you feel! and ps, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! nice to know someone is reading! :) from BYW2


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