March 16, 2008

This creations

this week's topic is a good one!!!
I love that my blog and blogging has helped me be more creative in life - from a young age ive always enjoyed taking time to create and make things by hand but in my 20's (when I had loads of time on my hands) I didn't do much of it...i think I was too busy hanging out in cafes and dancing the nights away - it feels good to be back making stuff!

When I look at all the wonderful blogs and flickr images i do feel a little inferior with all the goodness out there but thats OK stuff is mine and creating is now part of my life, which is a good thing!

For more 'This is' ....posts check out Angela's blog
The photo is a sample of what Ive made since blogging - Click on this link to see more info or you can see my Craft sets
and here
here's to a great start to the week!!!


  1. Oh my goodness! LOVE, LOVE your work - love it all, so terrific and cute and wow!!

  2. Lovely sample of crafty goodies! The great thing about making your own is that it has YOUR own style. Good thing you got back into it :)

  3. Love each and every creation you made!!!!never ever feel inferior to anyone or anything,this is YOUR creativity!and you are really good at making the cutest stuff!hugs Dees
    PS thank you for your comment on my creation post!

  4. Oh everything is gorgeous! Such as your weblog! Don't you ever feel inferior! You really have great creativity! And other people can just inspire you even more right?

    Have a great Sunday!

  5. Such a cute little mosaic of your work!

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Oh but your blog is one of the most lovely and inspiring around! Never feel inferior. Your creations are wonderful!

  7. oooooh love your tags they are absolutely gorgeous!

  8. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Your stuff looks amazing! it's great when crafting just becomes part of your life isn't it?

  9. Your blog is charming and cheerful and delight to look at.

  10. oh thank you SO much everyone...i dont mean inferior in a bad way haha...its not a good word choice, but you know there will always be better, new and smart creations out there and thats fine, its all so inspiring to me!!

  11. I love this post! It's funny isn't it, how now that we are all time poor, we look back on how much time we just blew away in our twenties, just sleeping, hanging about, nursing hangovers, or watching tv. I'm sure if I had even half the time I used to I'd be a crafting machine :P

  12. i feel the same. i always wonder, 'why didn't i make more things before fiona was born?' i guess we get inspired by being busy?
    have a wonderful week, a!

  13. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Oh Anastasia, there's no need to feel inferior...your work is wonderful, and I'm glad the blogging community has encouraged that.


Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment!! i really appreciate it!

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