May 29, 2009

Autumn at Home....

ive been indoors a lot lately - i dont mind, i actually enjoy it and its been chilly so indoors is the place to be!
im working on finishing a wholesale order today as well as making more paper goods to send to some blog friends
some snippets from home....

'Ti Tree' flowers in pretty shades of pink and yellow $5 a bunch from my local Coles - its been 10days now and they are still nice and bright and will last for ages!

New winter flats and a new sisal rug for our family room...

oh and when indoors you need plenty of mags and chocolate (bitter orange - delish!)
have a great Friday everyone!


  1. I LOVE your flats! They're adorable.

  2. Cute shoes! and yum now I am craving chocolate.

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    The first pic is lovely.So your in the Fall season now.Im glad Im not you,LOL at least not yet.We have long winters here in the states.Enjoy your fall.Oh and yum the chocolate.

  4. Ooooh love the shoes!! very pretty. Winter has also reached us here in South Africa, cold and windy outside at least it's sunny!

  5. Love the shoes, look so comfortable. Congrats on your wholesale order.

  6. I love ti tree bushes! We planted heaps at our old place and they were so lovely. Even their botanical name is cool - Leptospermum. Satisfying to say :P
    Sounds like you've been enjoying all the good stuff :)

  7. oooo, LOVELY new shoes!!!! :)

  8. Absolutely LOVE all of your creations and beautiful photos!! Your blog is a wonderfully creative feast and does much for the soul, Thankyou for making my day!!


Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment!! i really appreciate it!

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