January 15, 2011

Lending a hand...
Ive been glued to the TV in tears the past few days - the Queensland floods have caused so much devastation for our fellow Aussies up north.
People have lost loved ones, their homes...their everything.
i just can't begin to imagine what they must be feeling right now.

Whats so humbling though, as we hear the stories of survival, of loss
is they are ready to start again,
rebuild their little towns, their farms...most are just SO thankful they are alive and thats all that matters.
Whole communities have come together to lend a helping hand, volunteers are plentiful and this makes me SO happy and proud!

The DUST Team (Down Under street team) which im a proud member,
have set up an 'Etsian Australian Flood Appeal' shop - so many wonderful items have been donated.

You can help out by buying a little something
or if you have an Etsy shop you can also donate something - people from all over the world have both bought and donated items!
ALL proceeds go to the Queensland Premier's Relief fund

The BrisStyle Etsy team also has an appeal to help flood victims - go shop for some lovely crafty goodness that gives back.

Motivational art prints by Thinkaboutrainbows

1 comment:

  1. It has been absolutely devastating but you know people have really come together and it's amazing to see the real never give up spirit and how positive so many people are. It's truly incredible to see.

    And I'm glad there are other Etsians donating.


Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment!! i really appreciate it!

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