June 22, 2012

Inspiration Now!  Pretty hues in the bedroom

I had to venture into town today and boy, it was freezing!!
its officially coat, scarf and beanie weather in Sydney!
time to rug up!
I love Winter and all the good things it brings - comfort food, warm slippers and thick soaks and of course a cozy bed  - Im loving both these bedrooms, perfect for a nanna nap on a chilly afternoon.
I love the pretty colours in the bed linen and throw and the bottom image is a perfect boho mix!
What do you think?

* Top image by Shannon Fricke Bedlinen Bottom image via Hus & Hem magazine


  1. Oh yes, I love the cheerful, colourful bedrooms. I am a big lover of textiles for my bedroom - I tend to buy too many bedspreads, covers, cushions...oy!

  2. I just love these images! If it makes you feel any better, I was freezing today too, but it's the middle of summer for us! :-)

  3. I adore the bedroom Anastasia! I must find a new or should I say old quilt for our bed! Caroline :-)

  4. They both look wonderful!
    I'm eyeing them wistfully as we're broiling in the high thirties of a very hot summer here.....

  5. I think we all should wear more colour in winter. It helps with the dreary weather (although I really shouldn't complain in Brisbane). The first picture looks so cosy.

  6. You made my day complete.


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