The week that was.....
Wow, this week has just flown by for me...I have a small list of all the things I need to do but I might as well just throw it away as I don't feel Ive completed any of my 'To do's...'
I love writing lists,
its gives me focus but sometimes it also puts pressure on what needs to be done and takes the fun out of it....
Australian Papercraft magazine got in touch this week and they want me to make 3 Black & white ATCs for the mag - Im thrilled!! I have two weeks to complete so thats a relief!
and for the third week in a row I didnt submit anything to
Illustration friday...I love doing my IF challenges but this week's topic 'Extreme', had me stumped...I started a few sketches but nothing came of it...
I might try again after lunch when Neo has his afternoon nap.
Im off to my optometrist this morning to get my eyes tested and I think I might get some new glass frames.
I wear contacts everyday but with hay fever (which for some reason feels so much worse this year!) my eyes get so itchy and Im looking forward to that!
Another challenge for me at the moment is getting Neo toilet trained - he'll be 3yrs old in 2mnths time but is still not interested...he actually sobs hysterically for his nappy ...which makes it hard - any tips?
I know each child is different but the pre-school we have enrolled him in next year will only take toilet trained I still have three months I guess..!
These images are magazine clippings that I sent to
Anna - it was for
Jen's Tear Sheet swap....send 5 magazine clippings that you find inspiring - what a cool idea huh? Jen is also hosting a Christmas Tear Sheet swap in November if anyone is interested.
I have so many old mags still intact because I cant bear to tear them apart but lately with all the clutter in our spare room, I think some drastic changes need to be made to my hoarding problem! ha!
* Top pic from
a back issue of
Inside Out magazine - the rest from
Real Living magazine