I only work 3 days a week (lucky me!) and so on my two days off I don’t like to do too much (i.e. housework) so that way I can spend time with my boys and also enjoy quality time at home.
It does make my Saturday mornings quite frantic though as it’s the only time I can thoroughly clean the house. Its great as Andrew is home to help plus he takes the boys grocery shopping and they just love it! Peter also enoys going to Mr Galamis Fruit market and comes running in the house to tell me what they bought (even though I prepare the list – how cute)
Last week Alicia had a wonderful post on Summer Beds and that got me inspired to clean out the linen cupboard over the weekend and our abundant stack of bed linen and Manchester. I donated a whole bag of flannel sheets to the Salvation Army as we have so much stuff.
lookie here!!
I completely forgot I had these wonderful bed sheets – the embroidery is so pretty and this green is so soothing. The cute vintage boy sheets underneath have darling sweet illustrations – they are both summer sheets though so I’ve stored them away again.
I also pulled out some retro tablecloths that my mother had from the 70’s – perfect for lunch in the garden.

We’ve has such cold weather lately To warm up our bedroom I changed the bedspread to this tea coloured crochet one – nothing fancy but it adds a glow to the room and is super warm - who doesn’t want a warm comforting bedroom to go to during Winter?
My mother (clever thing) is in the process of crocheting me a beautiful bedspread – she’s been at it for a while now and it’s so heavy and thick. She had the yarn imported from Cyprus and it has a traditional look – I love it so far!

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