I wouldn't consider myself a TV addict but I must admit its always on when I'm home....it keeps me company!
I'm usually multitasking whilst watching - folding laundry, crafting, ironing or flicking through magazines so it’s not really a waste of time, is it!?

Last week I taped a documentary about
Marilyn Monroe – she was such a bright eyed beauty!
Its hard to believe it's been 50 years since she died - so very young...
A Hollywood legend...we all know her story - the sad lonely childhood, the yearning to be loved, liked and respected, the broken marriages, the fertility problems, the weight gains, the pill popping, the affair rumours and then her tragic death at only 36 years of age...all so very tragic.
but although her life was cut short, her legacy will live on and she will always be a beauty and style inspiration to so many.
There are gorgeous images of Marilyn on Pinterest, I think she's one of the most popular Hollywood stars that will always be remembered...
*images via my Vintage Life board
I restore myself when I'm alone.
Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Oh ((hugs))Dees! its always so nice to get lovely feedback!