February 3, 2008

This is.....My Collection

This week's theme is a good one! Cant wait to see everyone's collections.... I collect a few things but here are some of my vintage swap & playing cards, love the images and fun illustrations, and being so small they are a tidy collectable!

I also adore Vintage children's books, i have some on display and most stored away from the boys, these are MY special books heehee....again, the illustrations are what makes my heart skip a beat - super sweet!! maybe its the little girl within me that doesn't want to grow up.....oh and cute little decorative pieces are another fav!! there's my 1940's baby and little Miss Muffet, an old Avon perfume bottle found at Rozelle flea Markets for 30cents...

To see everyone's This is....go to Angela's blog!


  1. Your collection makes my heart sing!

  2. My heart too!!!!I agree totally with Lark!!!I love vintage childrenbooks!xoxo

  3. hello Anastasia !
    I am your new Flickr contact you have a terrific blog . thanks for sharing :)

  4. Oh I really love your collection! All those books are so cute! And the card!! My heart skips a beat aswell seeing all of this! You must be proud!

    Thank you for your lovely comment and have a great sunday!! And yes, playing cards are everywhere!

  5. Anonymous12:51 AM

    those children's books are gorgeous! Mabel Lucie Atwell illustrations take me back to my childhood. What great collections.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    How delightful. the collection is so sweet, thanks for sharing

  7. Ooooh You have some LOVELY things here!

  8. Oh, I love vintage childrens books. They are so great. Nice collection. happy sunday

  9. ooo I love those cards, actually my very first ever purchase on ebay were a couple of vintage playing cards with spanish flamenco dancers on the back. I have them framed.

  10. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I love them! such sweet illustrations, and wonderful colors!

  11. Hi! Love your blog. I'll be back!

  12. Wonderful collections!! Hey my babies twin!!! xoox Children's books are the best thing on earth!!!

  13. Your swap card collection is just lovely. I collected them in the 1970s and have a huge collection that my Mum keeps threatening to throw out if I don't relocate them from her home to mine!

  14. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Oh wow, I adore your cards! I have a few but none ghalf as sweet as yours.

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a grea idea, love your collection! I have a fondness for old children's books as well. It's the illustrations, they are so charming. Thanks for sharing.


  16. The pictures in old books like yours are so innocent and beautiful. I totally understand why you love them so much.

  17. At the moment I seem to be collecting children!

  18. oh i love love LOVE your collection of swap cards...maybe thast what I should post for my this is...

    I haven't put up my collection yet.

  19. Yummy on those vintage image cards!!!

  20. I love seeing your vintage book collection every time :) xx

  21. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Your collections are really wonderful, cards and vintage childrens books are fabulous!

  22. Hi Anastasia, As you know I too adore vintage childrens books. I'm sure my collection is no where near as extensive and impressive as yours but I have a couple of Enid Blytons and my most recent purchase was Anne of green gables :)

    I also LOVE your postcard collection...So enchanting

    Anna :)

  23. that learning to knit illustration melts my heart... so cute!! xox

  24. Anonymous2:29 AM

    This is wonderful! just like you I'm a mad collector of old children's books, postcards, wallpaper etc thanks for showing yours

    great blog!

  25. Anonymous2:30 AM

    This is wonderful! just like you I'm a mad collector of old children's books, postcards, wallpaper etc thanks for showing yours

    great blog!

  26. I love your collection- those cards are just beautiful! :o)


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