June 9, 2008

a little sunshine on a rainy day....
With only one sunny day the past wet & gray week, it was a mad rush hanging out laundry, mopping the floors and trying to fit in some outdoor fun for the boys....we've been indoors for a while now...its been nice and relaxing but how many cups of tea & muffins can you have?

It was great having the extra day off yesterday though. ..my friend Patricia and I went to see 'Sex & the City' - we both loved it and everyone in the theatre clapped with joy at the end!!! it was so nice to see the girls again ...ive missed them!!!! I shouldnt have worn mascara though because i cried and cried some more...sad tears...happy tears, my face was a mess! ha!

I was also jumping with joy when a little parcel arrived on my doorstep...my blogging friend Veronica sent me some FAB magazines!
a while ago we both did a month of daily blog posts with inspiring images from our piles (and piles) of magazine clippings - that was so much fun so recently we swapped magazines...I sent her Real Living and Donna Hay mags, both are favourites of mine!
i do love american interior magazines though ...the style is so fresh & homely with lovely cosy details!!
look at the cute pillows here!! adorable!

Veronica also sent this gorgeous hand embroidered tag that she made - the girl is so inspiring to me and she creates such beautiful things....and look at the vintage embroidered bird postcard she also included, what a treasure ...its so beautiful!
thanks so much Veronica!!

and lastly a peek at a cute vintage 50's children book I bought at Paddington Markets - how darling are the illustrations...so simple but really really sweet!
here's to a great start of the week for us all....


  1. Oh those are some lovely treats...aren't new magazines so delicious?? The embroided cards look stunning.
    I'm looking forward to catching that movie soonish. That good eh?

  2. despite the rain, it has been a nice week for you :)

    And I agree about 'Sex and the City'....so GREAT to see the girls again and even better when viewing with my BFF who came from out of state so we could see it together....girlfriends are the best !!

  3. What a lovely swap. It always amazes me how international magazines can have so many new ideas. Having said that, we do have some great magazines here and I have a pile of them too!
    First pic was nice too (with mag and tea and muffin) - very stylish.

  4. Oh you've had a good week. Yes, the rain. I'm a little bit north of you and this time last year was sitting in the dark at night and wondering when all the emergencies were dealt with, who'd turn the lights back on. Thank goodness for the camping equipment and gas stoves. This time around, we were better prepared. No huge storm as yet, but could still happen. Mental note, I DO need the metres of velvet ribbon and old Alice in Wonderland books I left at the op shops last week.

  5. That sounds like a lovely start to the week. Thanks for giving us a look at all those lovely goodies. I love the American interiors too.

  6. That girls' room is divine. Just the bed I am looking out for for my Miss 2!

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Well. I know you are in Winter, but I want winter!!! Okay, I will trade you 105' F for winter?? And rain??

    What subliiiiime treats!!!!! All my love!! xoxo

  8. You always seem to find the best vintage childrens books. I should go through my old collection!

    And what gorgeous magazine and little bits you received! That would have been lovely to get in the mail!

  9. Oh yes wasn't it great to see the girls back again?!!! I saw it on Monday and loved it. Hope it gets sunnier for you!

  10. I love those old picture book illustrations - just gorgeous!


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