November 16, 2008

This favourite things from nature

* fragrant flowers especially jasmine and gardenias

* birds singing- do you take the time to listen?

* spider webs, so delicate and very beautiful!

* wind through your hair and rain on your face

* sunrise and sunset

* twinkling stars on a black velvet sky

* listening to crashing waves against beach rocks

so many many more - we need to stop and observe, listen, smell and see the beauty thats all around us!!

thanks to Cloth and Fodder for a wonderful theme this week and to Angela for hosting 'This is' each week!

*image by Jessie Wilcox Smith via Flamencourt


  1. Lovely!...although I'm scared to death of spiders and where there's a web, there's a spider!

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Beautiful blog!I love to look at spider webs when they are wet. They seem to glisten in the sunshine.That is without the spider in it.LOL

  3. oh yes you have the gift of really seeing things....
    I already knew that of course but you always make it such a treat to read.thank you for sharing the awareness.hugs Dees

  4. Anonymous3:45 AM

    such lighthearted and whimsical words

  5. Oh, yessss...jasmine and gardenias, devine!

    Beautiful post.

    Yes, it has gotten chilly. Had a cold front move in last night. We baked cookies, biscuits, ate stew and s'mores, burned logs in the fireplace, and are now ready for things to get back to normal, lol!

    We checked Fall off our list in a day and would like to get back to our regularly scheduled perpetual summer :)

  6. I was reading through your list nodding in agreement at each one, and then realised that from my kitchen window you can see/hear all of them (although you have to step outside to get the rain on your face... thankfully)

  7. I so agree that we don't stop enough to listen and look. My partner raced home from walking the dog yesterday and dragged me to a spot where an orchid was flowering, then on looking it up discovered the endearing common name of plum pudding orchid. Ahhhh. Will post a pic this week.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    i love the smell of jasmine

  9. Those are such beautiful, simple things. Gorgeous! This was a lovely post to remember the little things in life =)

  10. What a lovely blog posting! Thanks for sharing!

  11. You've compiled such a beautiful list -- thinking of the scent of gardenias now . . .

  12. Ah...a lovely list. I'd add frangipane to those flowers. It's been a long long time since I've smelled one but they are pure pleasure to me. (not that a jasmine garland is 2nd fiddle tho)

  13. agreed. Love them all. I'm especially drawn to spider webs with morning dew, and leaves glowing in the sun.

  14. Lovely! I love your reminder at the end to take the time to observe, listen and smell all the wonders around us.

  15. I love the descriptions from your many of these things are pointed out to me by my children and their friends! and so many times I can take these for granted but not at the moment...

  16. such a lovely and evocative list. we share favorite flower scents... jasmine and gardenia are my favorite things about summer!


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