February 25, 2009

New Lands and New Adventures

No, Im not going anywhere ...I wish it was me but sadly I dont see any travel adventures in my plans any time soon...
i did however get an Etsy custom order from a lovely girl called Lindsay who is off to Europe next week for a whole year!!! awesome...lucky girl!!
She wanted a fun Travel Journal that she could fill up with words, sketches and doodles, observations, note down things, scribble things....jot ideas and dreams...you know what I mean
so here it is!!

have a safe journey Lindsay and most of all have a FAB time!!
So hands up who here needs a holiday?? ....yeah me too!!

I shall leave you with some travel quotes...

If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home. ~James Michener

The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. ~G.K. Chesterton

Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen. ~Benjamin Disraeli


  1. Disraeli, sounds like my 93 yr old grandmother. Love the blog, would be nice to travel, refreshing, we all need a break, I know I do. Unlike 'Cheers', I want to go where no body knows my name.

    Have fun Lindsay, be safe, have fun, and I for one can't wait to see what you will share.

  2. Love that first photo...I want the car...and the dress...and the bag...oh...and a fabulous travel journal!

  3. Love the quotes!

    Very clever journal too -looks very professional and sophisticated and cute!:)

  4. Perfect look for her criteria. Looks great.

  5. Very cute journal !!

  6. Fabulous journal, i want one!! and great first pic. x

  7. I'd LOVE a holiday and a journal like that too!!

  8. Beautiful work on your part. And the idea of commissioning a travel journal is so charmingly old world.
    I like that you took the time to add the quotes, too. Especially the first one, is very true.
    Wishing you beautiful travels, anywhere you are.

  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    What a cute journal! I love the quotes too...

  10. Fabulous travel journal, you did a wonderful job.

  11. That is such a fabulous first picture. I totally need that tulle skirt!

  12. adorable journal...and I love that photo above :)

  13. adorable journal...and I love that photo above :)

  14. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Love the journal and lucky girl she is.Well I have no plans for travel real soon anyway.But for me I laugh,you live in Austraila what a lovely place to see...it must be lovely there.I like the second quote, I think it says it all.Take care!By the way do you dress like that when you go on a trip? lolol heheh joking cute photo .

  15. Fabulous picture,I would love the luggage in purple, please.

  16. I love that travel journal. How pretty and special it is. I'm sure she will love to write down all her adventures in it.

    And that first pic! Wow! I have to print it out and frame it! It's gorgeous!

  17. I'm sure she will make many lovely memories in that journal.

    So, many displaced people. My grandfather escaped Poland in WW2 when he was a small boy, also never to return. Thanks for sharing your story on my blog.

  18. The journal is gorgeous Anastasia. You are so talented. I love that first quote especially. It's wonderful.

  19. Hi!
    I need a holiday, me too! I like very much traveling =)
    I love that Travel Journal! It's so original!
    And the first photo is so inspiring... =)

    Have a nice day!


  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes. My ma made me two journals. So sweet. Can't wait to start them. I have one from last year's birthday that I am writing in at the moment.

  21. I totally agree with your travel quote "ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home".
    It is amazing how many home comforts people insist on taking with them nowadays! I do wonder why they bother if they don't even feel like they have left their homes.
    Great journal.

  22. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Your journal will make Lindsay's trip even more special (isn't it an honour to create such a thing to keep special memories?)

  23. oh I want that tutu.. and that car... and her suitcases and a vacation:)

    What a beautiful travel journal you've made! If I get all my above wants I know exactly where to come!


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