March 13, 2009

Loving Fridays

Today im loving
Colour, Patterns and Prints
a bit of a crazy mix up but it seems to work somehow!

i wish I wasnt so 'safe' when it comes to my own personal style....i really admire people who experiment with colour and patterns,
maybe I should make more of an effort to wear something other than jeans!
I dont know about those pop socks though...i think they should just stay on the pages of Vogue!

*Top image from Australian Home Beautiful
*Middle image from USA Vogue
*Bottom image some of my gift tag bases

For more 'Loving Friday' posts check out
Tinniegirl (hope the craft show is going great Cathy!!)


  1. Checking out your love friday. I am like you - like to look at these great mixes but a little conservative myself.

  2. That hat needs to say with the socks, too! but I'm loving the chair!

  3. Lovin that chair...just couldn't bring myself to have wallpaper tho...i'd just get too bored too quickly...

  4. Too cute! I wish I was more adventurous as well but I live in jeans.

    At least your tag bases are colourful =)

  5. I'm the same way! I LOVE all the fun clothes. On other people. :) I'm way to shy and conservative with my own clothes. The only really "look at me" things I own are a bright yellow coat and a purple suede clutch. (LOVE them together! Complimentary colors!!)

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I love that chair, but not sure about the wallpaper.Have a great weekend Anastasia Mou!

  7. yes, i try to be more daring with my clothes, but sometimes i feel so out of place when i go to fiona's school, where every mother seems to dress the same, like after having kids you shouldn't care about your appearance anymore. love your tags!

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I am with you, I love colour, but Melbourne is so black, even in summer. But now I am no longer in corporate I can get away with more colour

  9. See, I would wear the socks. They're too cute.

  10. That chair is one of the freaking hypest things I've ever seen. It's so outta control. Man oh man, there are some smart people in this world! Craving it.

  11. Anonymous6:13 PM

    ok... I love that chair! I need a bigger place! lol

  12. Fortunately, I haven't seen anyone looking like the center woman anywhere in public. I can imagine wearing the socks but otherwise uhuh.

  13. I love everything about this post, your tags are gorgeous!


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