August 17, 2009

EyeSpy....something red

...when I was in my late teens I always used to wear bright red lipstick thinking I was very grown up,
dont think Id like it much now as im so used to natural shades of lipgloss

Not much red in my home, I did find some red paper scraps amongst my papers, think I'll have to make some 'red' inspired cards.

i also found this wonderful red house (via Heather Bailey's flickr set)
how cool is that?
it stand so proud amongst the other houses and shouts 'hey, look at me!'

and of course the colour RED makes me think of Coca Cola ...this vintage ad shows how it was marketed as a tonic for those drowzy moments when you need a pick me up!
nowdays its just one of those evil drinks that is SO ladden with sugar it makes you super perky then even more also makes you burp really loud (very ladylike...Not!) For more EyeSpy posts check out Cindy's lovely blog


  1. I don't like Coca cola, maybe it tasted better in the good old days!

  2. yeah i dont like Coca Cola much either - prefer the tase of Pepsi Max....or i just drink tea or water

  3. Oh, that red house looks wonderful!

  4. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Oh that red house,LOL.Interesting but I would never want a red house.My home is brick.As far as coke goes had it maybe back when I was a child, I dont drink coloas I have water, or then maybe some diet 7up or ginger ale.Not inot anything like that.I like tea as well.LOL@your red lipstick, I remeber pictures of my mum in red lipstick hahah.

  5. Oh my gosh I JUST blogged about red lipstick! ^_^

    Love all of these red inspirations, especially that house!

  6. Red feels like such a grown up chic colour. (Probably why I don't wear it much I feel like I'm kid playing dress ups). But it can be completely beautiful and hot!

  7. What lovely choices of red!!

  8. Wow - check out that red house!

    I really like that little selection of red-ness in your first image.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    That red house looking gorgeous!!!!
    Love all of these red inspirations....thanks

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