December 30, 2012

I heart books

why hello there!
I do hope you are well...

I've had a little blogging wasn't planned but it was nice to relax a little after the festivities.  We've been having lots of family time and outings here and is good!

Have you bought anything awesome in the sales?
I bought a new Summer Dress two days ago ..its light and airy and a pretty blue shade.
I also bought a stack of books online the other night - I heart books, yes I do!...
plus its my birthday in two days so this is a little gift for me (from me!)

This what i ordered
*Decorate workshop by Holly Becker.
I love Decor books and Holly has great taste and aesthetic!
*Grace: A Memoir she's so inspiring and I cant wait to read this...
I also bought another memoir, * What Remains by Carole Radziwill ...okay Im a RHONY fan (hides face) and Carole seems  super cool plus her life story seems so interesting...
*The $100 startup - love his newsletter and the book's title just grabs you right?!...
plus '6 ways to Keep the 'Good' in your boy' - I like reading parenting books, we all need some guidance and direction!
so a real mix of books on their way to me!
If you have any book recommendations, any great reads you absolutely love ...please share!


  1. Nice to see you back! I am a sucker for books too and love to browse and buy. Ahh, online shopping for books is a total trap for me (but I can't resist!)

    I have had a reaaaaally long break from blogging, and as well as the creating side of it all, I have really been missing the reading of every-one else's posts too.
    So nice to be back in time to say hi and Happy New Year to you!

  2. Oooh, you'll have to stop back and let us know how Decorate Workshop is! I really like her too, but I'm always hesitant to buy design books because sometimes they're dated after a few years. Hopefully this one won't be that way and I can spend some of my Christmas money! :-)

  3. I love new books :)

    I really loved reading "The Night Circus" last year & would highly recommend it.

  4. Thank you for the book list. Love your blog and enjoying visiting. Happy New Year.



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