November 19, 2013

7 Vignettes challenge - November 2013

I took part in the November '7Vignettes' challenge, hosted by Jen and guest judged by the lovely Jayde of 'Little Paper Lane'   - I always seem to stumble across them at the last minute so my Vignettes are always put together so quickly...but its so fun and a great chance to play around with things I already have at home plus its a great way to meet super creative Instagram-ers, some of the entries blow my mind!
The winner this month was Galina  - just gorgeous!
Here are my entries below for the challenges.
Day 1 - Holiday (bon Voyage!)  * Day 2 - Stack (in my kitchen) * Day 3 - Hanging (on my home desk)
Day 4 - Recipe (afternoon snack) * Day 5 - Soft (pastel colours) * Day 6 - Reflective (my hallway)* Day 7 - Paper (love papergoods!)


  1. Oh I keep promising myself to do this challenge and Megan Morton suggested this as a fabulous way to practice the styling craft. Mel xx

  2. You should Mel!! its a great little challenge - hope you had a wonderful time at 'The School' NZ!


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