November 25, 2013

This Boy....

This boy makes my heart melt.
This boy makes me proud and happy...makes me smile and laugh..
This boy turns 11 today!
I can still remember very clearly with fine detail the day he came into the world...our world
..and made us parents for the very first time.
our hearts are full of Love...Unconditional love for this beautiful boy.
Happy Birthday my darling Peter!

(love this candid instagram pic - taken whilst walking around San Francisco earlier this year...)


  1. Oh I can feel a mother's love. How beautiful Anastasia! Happy birthday Peter, you're a lucky boy to have such a great mum! Cool photo Anastasia. xx M

  2. Happy birthday to Peter.
    They grow up so quickly (such a cliche I know!)

  3. Happy birthday for your little one!AriadnefromGreece!

  4. Agree, cool photo and Happy Birthday to Peter. Seriously where does the time go. I guess he'll be starting high school soon.

    PS: Daughter doing well in Sydney, still looking for the right share accommodation but enjoying her job and settling into life well there!


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