October 1, 2012

a new month is here...
welcome October! 

and a new blogging challenge...
Blogtoberfest - I've participated in' Blogtoberfest ' a few times on my blog and I must admit some planning is needed, well for me anyway...some bloggers love to blog randomly..me? I need to plan ahead a little!
The 'Blogtoberfest' challenge is to blog every single day for the whole month of October!
its not too late to join in!
it'll be fun....

Today we escaped from the city life - we hit the road and ended up in Bowral and Berrima, two lovely historic towns about an hour drive from home ...such a lovely day! pics to come tommorow!

*image via Pinterest via diddyLux


  1. Delighted to have you join the festivities for Blogtoberfest12, Anastasia!
    What a great image to kick off the month.
    Kat xxx

  2. Oh man, blogging every single day? I don't think I could do it! I'll cheer you on instead. :-)

  3. Thanks lovelies!! wish me luck...ive already got a list of things I will be blogging about!


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