October 18, 2012

Frankie magazine  - 50th Issue!
I had a couple of hours to myself this afternoon so bought myself a coffee, a custard bun from 'Bread Top' (weird fluffy dough?! is it even real??) and the latest Frankie magazine,
its 50th issue!  Hoorah Frankie!
The cover stood out against the rows of glossy magazines...its just so lovely with a embossed texture depicting delicate embroidered bits and pieces ...so whimsy, creative, a little nostalgic and nanna-ish in a delightful and cozy way...everything Frankie is!

There's a great cake recipe section (shall I put the kettle on luv?)
and I adored the feature asking 5 illustrators to draw their creative desk...love it!!!

Congrats to Frankie on its 50th issue, keep sharing the art/craft/home/life love - here's to 50 more!!

* to see pics from Frankie's 50th issue bash click here*


  1. How fun! I love doing that, grabbing a favorite treat and a book or magazine and just enjoying a couple of quiet "to myself" moments.

    Looks like a fab magazine!

  2. Ooh. Must check out this issue!


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