November 6, 2012

My Melbourne weekend in pictures...
We had such a wonderful time in Melbourne!
Its taken me two days to get back to normal...and I'm still exhausted!
I also have blisters on my poor feet so guess next time I will have to add sneakers to my packing list- I never wear sneakers (only when excercising...) but my feet have suffered as we walked and walked some more...I never learn!

we ate a lot of good food and drank endless cups of good coffee...the little lanes were a delight to discover!!
such a wonderful city!!

I will be back soon Melbourne...until we meet again... thanks for an awesome weekend!

Pics by me
* Hardware Lane
* Hellenic Republic
* Queen Victoria Markets
and a few more on Instagram


  1. What a charming place! I'm a sucker for any kind of fancy food shop, and these look wonderful.

    Sorry about your feet! I've done that, too.

  2. gorgeous photos, love the fist one :)

  3. Glad you had such a wonderful weekend here in Melbourne Anastasia! Love all the places you visited. Beautiful photos. Come back soon, next time I'll meet you for a coffee.


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