March 22, 2015

Dream Escape: Portugal

Have you been following Chelsea's adventures?
I've always been a fan of Chelsea's blog 'Frolic!' from way back when I first started blogging myself...
Lately she's been travelling and updating her blog and instagram  @frolicblog  from new destinations.
Chelsea is currently in Portugal, a country I would love to visit one day...I feel like this beautiful country is often neglected with many tourists flocking to Spain, her neighbour, which I have been to and totally loved.
I imagine Portugal to be just as warm and friendly, with amazing food and cakes,  quiet villages and bustling cities with historical buildings and churches showing layers of years and life ...
It sure looks amazing!
Where do you dream to visit one day?

All images via Chelsea's Instagram feed
Chelsea's blog post on  '6months a nomad'  and how she travels on a shoestring budget
and a Creative Girl interview I did with Chelsea a few years ago

1 comment:

  1. How gorgeous! There are far too many places I'd love to visit...


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